Sustainable travel tomorrow 

starts with small changes today

Sustainable travel tomorrow starts with small changes today

We’re the lucky ones: those who get to explore Planet Earth. But if we want future generations to experience the same joy in traveling, there need to be changes to protect our environment. A single company can’t reverse things overnight, but together, we can take small steps that lead to big change.

We’re the lucky ones: those who get to explore Planet Earth. 

But if we want future generations to experience the same joy in traveling, there need to be changes to protect our environment. A single company can’t reverse things overnight, but together, we can take small steps that lead to big change.

We started with one reusable Bag we’ve kept 848,546,681 single-use bags out of the world's landfills

Do you ever read headlines with huge accomplishments and wonder how a smaller travel company like yours will ever catch up?

Or maybe you’re newly tasked with implementing sustainable travel policies for your department?

Measuring the impact of your business on the environment?. Did your company add a corporate social responsibility department, and now you’re focused on initiatives that positively affect humanity—and the bottom line? 

ChicoBag was in the same boat back in 2005. With over 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean, we saw the mounting problem with single-use plastic. We wanted to fight it, but how? Where do you even start with such a lofty goal?

Have Fun Do Good 

...also started small.

This for-purpose travel company organizes group trips across the country that blend unique experiences with volunteerism, but it all started when founder Adam Kunes did a 100-day Semester at Sea program. He knew he wanted to travel and give back, and today, Have Fun Do Good has grown from one man into an organization now counting over 567 volunteers from across the country to complete more than 20,000 volunteer hours. 

When you’ve got big dreams, it can feel overwhelming to get started. But here’s the thing: even the smallest tweak in your operations—like switching from single-use sandwich bags on your backpacking trip to reusable ones or swapping paper itineraries for digital ones—can add up. Add your changes to everybody else doing a #littlebitbetter and it leads to enormous change.

Have Fun Do Good ..........also started small.

This for-purpose travel company organizes group trips across the country that blend unique experiences with volunteerism. It all started when founder Adam Kunes did a 100-day Semester at Sea program. He knew he wanted to travel and give back, and today, Have Fun Do Good has grown from one man into an organization now counting over 567 volunteers from across the country to complete more than 20,000 volunteer hours.

When you’ve got big dreams, it can feel overwhelming to get started. But here’s the thing: even the smallest tweak in your operations—like switching from single-use sandwich bags on your backpacking trip to reusable ones or swapping paper itineraries for digital ones—can add up. Add your changes to everybody else doing a #littlebitbetter and it leads to enormous change.

Reaching your goals is all about doing

Reaching your goals is all about doing

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