Here’s the kit of recycled outdoor gear that’s 100% environmentally friendly. During any outdoor activity, keep some trail mix packed in your handy SnackTime for a boost of energy. For an afternoon lunch chow down with the help of your To-Go Ware Premium reusable bamboo utensils. Throughout your adventure keep your supplies tucked into your recycled Travel Pack. For your half-day adventure, stay hydrated with your Bottle Sling. Bonus rePETe Kit fact: 1% of proceeds from this kit go back to other organizations who protect planet earth.
The rePETe Kit Replaces 10,325 Single-Use Items Throughout Its Life.
Bundle Kit Includes:
Sling rePETe:
- Bag: 13" w x 15" h x 3.5" d (33cm 2 x 38cm h x 9cm d)
- Pouch: 3"w x 5"h (8cm w x 13cm h)
- Strap drop: 20" (51cm)
- Capacity: 40 lb/ 18kg (One gallon of milk is approximately 7 lbs.)
- Weight: 2.5 oz. / .15625 lbs.
- Bag: 6.5"w x 9.5"h (17cm w x 33cm h)
- Folded Size: 6.5"w x 5.5"h (17cm w x 14cm h)
- Weight: 3.97oz / .248125 lbs
Travel Pack rePETe:
- Bag: 10"w x 17"h x 6"d (25cm w x 43cm h x 15cm d)
- Pouch: 8"w x 6"h (20cm w x 15cm h)
- Capacity: 915 cu in / 15L
- Weight: 7.2 oz. / .45 lbs.
Vita rePETe:
- Bag: 19"w x 13"h (48cm w x 33cm h)
- Pouch: 3"w x 5"h (8cm w x 13cm h)
- Weight: 2.0 oz. / .125 lbs.
Bottle Sling rePETe:
- Bag: 4.5"w x 10"h (11cm w x 25cm h)
- Pouch: 4.5"w x 6"h (11cm w x 15cm h)
- Strap drop: 26" (66cm)
- Weight: 1.4 oz. / .0875 lbs.
Premium Utensil Set:
- Package: 8.5"H x 1.85"W x 1.13" D
- Utensil length: 7"h (8cm w x 13cm h)
- Weight: 1.6 oz. / 0.1 lbs.

Sustainably Made For You and the Planet
Our products meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose.